Friday, July 17, 2009

Guest Lectures

Guest Lectures are fun. The other day I attended two of them

1) A look at financial crunch from Behavioral perspective
by Prof Subramanian from University of California Los Angeles
He listed down what a invester should not do and I learnt that I have done all those mistakes like excessive trading, herding etc.
Also learnt about PEG - P/E ratio against growth rate expected.

2) Entrepreneurship
by Mr Halve, CEO, Chlorophyll, IIMA Alumni
The talk was very interesting as any marketing guy's talk would be.

Today there is one guest lecture by Arun Seth, Chairman, British Telecom.

1 comment:

  1. What is all this? What you really need a lecture on is actually getting 'L'ed. And for that, I volunteer my services :P ( hello LPJ! )
